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Barry Larkin Collection 605: 1998 Upper Deck SPx Finite - #265 (#/9000)

Barry Larkin
Year:  1998
Brand:  Upper Deck SPx Finite
Card number:  265 (#4873/9000)

The 1998 Upper Deck SPx Finite set is another set that I knew nothing about until I acquired the Barry Larkin card from the set.  As it turns out, the set contains only serially numbered cards.  The most common base cards (such as the Larkin above) are numbered out of 9000 but there are rarer subsets within the larger set that are numbered as low as only 2000 copies.

Personally, I'm not mad that Larkin isn't featured more prominently in the set since I think the design is sorely lacking (especially on the front of the card).  I do eventually need to track down the two parallels from the set, the radiance parallel (#/4500) and the SPectrum parallel (#/2250).  Luckily for me, those are the most common of each parallel numbering as well so I don't think that this task will be nearly as difficult to complete as it is with some of the other sets from the same era (1998 Topps Tek, I'm looking at you)!
