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Another Trade with Community Gum!

For the second time in about a month, I made a quick and easy trade with Jon over at Community Gum.  I already posted about our first trade here - and with today's second trade I think you'll definitely see a theme:  namely, Allen & Ginter!

This time around, Jon put a dent into my 2018 A&G want list by sending over a slew of Fantasy Goldmine inserts as well as a bunch of World Talent inserts. 

I'm not a huge fan of the Fantasy Goldmine set as a whole - the design doesn't do much for me and I'm kind of tired of cards of baseball legends being shoehorned into each and every set.  That said, the Fantasy Goldmine set does feature Barry Larkin - a card that I was definitely looking forward to acquiring - so perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on the set.

On the other hand, I really like the World Talent set a lot. 

Loyal readers of my blog won't be surprised to hear that since I seem to have some sort of love for cards depicting flags of nations on them.  I honestly don't know what it is about cards like that, but for me they are instant winners (especially if the overall is nice which I believe the World Talent card design is)!

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't show off the lone mini coming my way - from 2016 A&G US Mayors set.

Admittedly, I'm pretty much over any mention of politics or political figures in my baseball card sets...but as a set completionist, I still will be actively trying to track down the remaining few mayors that I need - but please Topps, no more politics in future A&G!

Thanks for the great trade, Jon!  I always appreciate the help in whittling down my want list.  As for anyone else, if you'd like to trade be sure to check out my want list and then shoot me an offer!


  1. Mayors? Huh. Pretty soon we'll be seeing school board members on trading cards.


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