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Delivery Time! The Final Trade of 2018 (The Angels, In Order)

I've been doing my mail day posts FILO style, that is, "first in, last out" which meant that the bottom envelope in my stack was actually my oldest.  I don't want to drag out my 2018 trades any longer, so let's look at the final such trade to arrive last year. 

This one is from Tom over at The Angels, in Order.  I sent Tom a big pile of random checklists and other promotional items that he likes to collect.  In return, Tom sent me a nice sized stack of Reds and a 2018 Gypsy Queen short print that I still needed for my set.  Since I'm a set collector first and foremost, let's start with the card that I needed:

I have to say, that's a pretty nice Rickey Henderson card.  I really liked this year's Gypsy Queen but it sure seems like the set was a flash in the pan for most collectors.  I had a flurry of interest in terms of trades involving the set right around its release and then nothing but the chirp of crickets until Tom sent along this Rickey. 

I'm not too discouraged with the set yet though.  However, my goal is to whittle my want list down by about 30 total sets before the end of 2019 so if I don't make some more progress on either the base set or the insert set, you might find one (or both) end up on the chopping block.  All that is to say, if you are holding on to any of your unwanted Gypsy Queen cards - check my list to see if I could use them.  I'd love to work out a trade!  For the record, here's what I still need from the set.
2018 Topps Gypsy Queen Wants:
301, 303, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 318, 319
Tarot of the Diamond insert:  TOD- 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22
Moving on to the assorted Reds.

Tom sent me an on-card autograph of a Reds player that I never heard of (not easy to do these days)! 

That's Travis Chick from the 2005 Bowman Heritage set.  I'm not sure why the background of the autograph spot says "No Pepper Games" but perhaps someone smarter than me out there can enlighten me on that mystery.  According to Baseball Reference, Chick ended up pitching a grand total of five innings in MLB (for the Mariners in 2006).  He appeared in three games, gave up seven runs (all earned) and has a lifetime WAR of -0.2 to go with his ERA of 12.60 and WHIP of 3.40.  His final big league appearance saw him walk four batters, give up two hits, and four earned runs all while getting exactly one out.  By my count, Chick was the part of at least seven different big league organizations while in the minor leagues.  Poor guy moved around a lot, that's for sure.  On the bright side, he did get to sign some baseball cards and now some shmuck (i.e. me) is writing about him on the internet over a decade later.

While Tom sent along a ton of other nice Reds cards, I'll end this post with three of my other favorites.

Todd Frazier was an instant favorite during his time with my Reds.  Suarez is fast becoming a favorite now - and both were excellent third baseman for the Reds.  I also had to scan that Jose Rijo card because I had never seen it before despite it being from a rather old set.

Many thanks for the great swap, Tom!  I am pleased to say that this post is my final one for a 2018 (or earlier) trade!  It feels pretty good to be caught up with that, though I do have one purchase to show off yet (a purchase that I made).  After that though, it's on to 2019 trades...and that's where you come in!  If you'd like to trade (and eventually see your end of the deal on my blog), check out my want list make an offer


  1. That Rickey is one of my favorite base cards of him from the past few years. Nice action shot. Love that you can even catch the reflection in his shades.

  2. Glad to wrap up the trade year!


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