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My Latest Woodworking Project - COMPLETED!

Well, this weekend is already starting off a lot busier than I had originally envisioned.  Tonight, I knew I had a pair of softball games but they ended up getting over about 1.5 hours later than they should have.  As such, I didn't have time to write up the last of the (Even) Better Know a Blogger posts.  I do promise to get the last interview (or two, depending) out to you but now I think I'll wait and try to get the next one posted on Monday since I don't want to shortchange our latest interviewee with a weekend post (and a sunny weekend at that, at least for the east coast).

Instead, I figured I'd show off the final product of my latest woodworking project. 

I had fun creating a combination toy box and bookshelf for my 14-month-old toddler.  My wife is the painter in the house so she took care of that task for me.  I can't wait to see my little guy's reaction to it tomorrow morning. 


  1. You and your wife did a great job! I'm sure you're kid is going to love it.

  2. Yes, well done! Now, I wonder how long it'll take for the toys to be all over the floor!

  3. NOICE! Seriously, that came out great, you should be proud, and I'm curious to hear the kiddo's reaction. You should send that to Nick Offerman, he'll be impressed.

  4. Thanks all! An update from my son: he loved it! He definitely enjoys helping to "clean up" now because he dump his toys into the two toy bins. He also loves reading books so him getting to stand up and pick out which book to read from the bookshelf seems to be another new favorite pastime for him!


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