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The Quest for 35!

Delivery Time! A Purchase (!) from Red Cardboard

A couple of weeks ago, Matt from Red Cardboard posted a blog entry saying that he was drastically downsizing his collection and selling off a lot of his unwanted cards.  Knowing that Matt was a Reds collector (and someone that I traded with in the past), I figured I'd check out what he had on offer.  In the end, I decided to buy 28 Larkin cards off of Matt for a little less than 50 cents per card. 

The one bad thing about the entire purchase of cards was that I was looking only at Matt's spreadsheet and going by my memory.  Once I got the cards in hand, it's clear that I bought a few Larkin cards that I already owned...whoops!  I guess they'll end up in my trade box.

Each of the new-to-me Larkin cards will eventually be featured in my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection but I'd be remiss if I didn't at least give you a tiny bit of a tease as to what all I ended up with. 

As you can see, lots of sets and years represented there - and hopefully most of the cards are actually new to me!  Next up for me with these cards is a lot of scanning and sorting - and then finally updating my have list of Larkin cards (something I probably should have referenced more carefully when making the purchase). 

Oh well, always good to help out a fellow blogger whenever possible.  Thanks for the opportunity to add to my collection, Matt.  As for anyone else, if you happen to be looking for Barry Larkin cards I sure do have a bunch of extras that I'd love to trade away (or sell if that's more your thing).


  1. I picked up all of Matt's Cubs and have been having fun sorting through them.

    1. Always fun to sort through a new stack of cards!

  2. I spy with my little eye... a 1998 Zenith card and a 1990 Kenner SLU card. Love both of these sets.


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