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My "Worst" Week on TCDB (so far) this Year...

This week's TCDB trade recap is going to be short and sweet (mostly because last week I wasn't overly active on the site).  On the other hand, next week's recap should be much more interesting as I've sent out over ten trade packages this past week.

For this week though, we begin with my oldest "unfinished" trade - one that was agreed to back in February and one that user Tjernst2 sent on March 1.  The card didn't arrive to my house until March 26...and if you didn't know it's safe to say that the mail system still isn't back up to snuff. 

As for the above card, it's a Bowman's Best from 1996.  Not my favorite design that I've ever seen but it is a Barry Larkin card that I didn't own until now (which is all that matters)!

My second envelope of the week is from TCDB user BaseballDave.  

This particular package wasn't technically a trade but rather a "mea culpa" from BaseballDave.  When he was packing up our original trade, apparently one of the cards I was to receive got damage.  I had already mailed off his cards so he said he'd try to find something else for me.  Neither of the two Larkins were listed on my TCDB page as me having them so he sent them my way.  

Unfortunately, I do believe that I own both of these...but that's my fault since I still haven't gotten my Larkin Collection updated on TCDB past the year 1997 (it takes soooooooooooooo long to update each year's worth of Larkin cards that I can't bring myself to do another big year right now...and 1998 is one of the biggest years for Larkin Collectors).

And that's it for the week.  A trade that probably should have arrived a week or two ago plus a couple of "make up" cards.  Like I said, think of this week as the calm before the storm that should be approaching with next week's mailbag post! 


  1. I've been a little quiet on the site too, but it's mostly from not adding any trade bait....so I don't see why someone would discover me without much new inventory.

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Nice of BaseballDave to send you those Larkins - even if you didn't need them. I'm slowing down a bit on TCDB after making about 2-3 deals a week. The set fillers I need have dried up and I'm running out of tradebait.

  3. USPS is probably gonna be slow until the day comes when they no longer have to act as Amazon's private courier.


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