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Current year baseball cards haven't captured much of my attention (or my wallet's attention) but that doesn't mean I haven't been buying cards. Au contraire, my friend. Instead of the newest stuff heading into my cart, I've been filling my (virtual) cart with older cards that I need for various set builds and my Barry Larkin Collection.
Recently, I dipped back into Sportlots and found a bunch more cards that I needed/wanted. I also decided to try saving money on shipping by using Sportlots' box feature - a feature that I can't comment much on yet since I am still waiting for all the cards to be shipped to my box (and then I have to wait even longer for that box to be shipped to me)!
That all being said, a few sellers that I bought from charged the same amount whether I shipped to the Sportlots box or if the cards were shipped directly to me. You better believe in those cases I chose to have the cards sent to me immediately!
We'll begin with this 1992 insert from Pinnacle:
Yep, somehow this card had eluded me until this very moment! It's a Rookie Idols insert - and I'll have more to say about it whenever I get around to featuring it in my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection series of posts (shout out to seller kevalex1 for the quick shipping on the card).
Next, from user ACARDFAN comes a set need that I was able to grab:
That's one of the short prints from the 2001 Topps HD set. I tried to finish off the HD set but unfortunately there were a couple of short prints that I couldn't find for a reasonable price. Still, I was able to buy most of what I needed so you can expect to see a few more cards from this set in the near future.
Moving right along, the next PWE that arrived was from user kandmcar:
Another new-to-me Barry Larkin card from the early 90s. You'd think I'd have all of the early 90s Larkin cards by now but you'd be wrong - there are still plenty that I need to track down! This one happens to be a First Day Productions parallel of Larkin's 1993 Stadium Club card.
Back to set needs with the next envelope, this one being from user cardguy2.
That's a 1999 Pacific Team Checklist card that I needed - yet another set that I tried to focus on completing with the latest batch of orders. Unfortunately, much like with 2001 Topps HD, I should be close to finishing the set once all the orders arrive but not quite done!
And finally, the last of the orders that got sent to me directly consisted of two cards courtesy of user brcdad22. The first was this 1990 Cadaco Discs card.
I remember having a Cadaco Discs game when I was a kid. There were lots of these discs that you'd put in a slot and then spin a spinner. Wherever the spinner landed is what result you'd get (I'm guessing a 1 was a homerun based on Larkin's number distribution but I could be wrong).
In addition to the Cadaco Discs, I was also able to nab a second needed Barry Larkin card from the same seller:
That might look like your regular run-of-the-mill 1991 Donruss card but it's not! It's actually a 1991 Donruss Super Diamond Kings card. It's an oversized 5"x7" card - something I didn't even realize was true until the card arrived at my house! I have no idea how one would get a Super Diamond King back in 1991 so I'll have to do a bit of research on this card prior to writing it's corresponding Barry Larkin Collection post on the blog!
That does it for the direct-to-me Sportlots orders. As I said earlier, I should (eventually) get a box of cards shipped my way as well though I have no idea how long that process takes. Until then, at least I have some new cards to sort and put into their appropriate binders!
I'll help with the research. It was a mail-in set, still have a few years I'm chasing down myself, but 91 is complete for me http://www.baseballcardpedia.com/index.php/1991_Donruss#Super_Diamond_Kings
ReplyDeleteI use the box feature on all my purchases as I only buy from sellers who have free (there are quite a few) or really cheap shipping to the box. i don't mind waiting for the stuff to get to my box and then waiting for it to get shipped to me, the only thing I hate is getting a box with 100 different envelopes. Opening envelope after envelope gets annoying when you do them all at once but I save a fortune using the box feature as opposed to having everything shipped to me. I usually ship the box to myself once a month or so. Once you tell them to ship your box, it's usually to me in around a week.