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Not-So-Secret Santa Return #7: Stadium Fantasium

We've made it to the last (but certainly not least) of my Not-So-Secret Santa program return packages.  If you've missed my previous posts, the basic idea behind my Not-So-Secret Santa program was that people could sign up and fill out a short survey indicating their interests (and things they weren't interested in).  I then took that survey information and put together packages for each person and mailed them off.  The deal was, once the recipient got my package that I sent, that person was to send something back to me that they felt was appropriate.  I put special emphasis on my interests outside of only baseball cards - something that most of my Not-So-Secret Santa recipients latched onto including Andy (from Stadium Fantasium) who sent the final Not-So-Secret return package to me!

Andy's package was another great one for me beginning with a bunch of prizes that Andy said were given out at the MLB All-Star Experience back in July of 2022.  

The magnet is going to live on my filing cabinet, the stickers will probably end up in my son's hands!  

Next, Andy included a pack of 2022 Allen & Ginter.  

Now, I still need some minis out of this set so I decided to rip the pack open.  Here's what I found:

The Glasnow was a no numbered mini - a rare pull at 1:146 packs according to the pack wrapper!

Finally, the coolest addition of all in the package - a LEGO set!  And not just any LEGO set but a NBA themed set that I never heard of before:

According to the box, there were a number of different sets released with different combinations of players.  Andy said that these had some decent value on eBay today - and a quick glance proves he is correct about that!  Definitely a generous gift - and worth way more than at $1 Dollar General sticker may otherwise suggest.

With that awesome package, I've now shown off all of the returns from the 2022 edition of my Not-So-Secret Santa program.  I'm definitely hoping to do something similar for 2023 - perhaps even a bit bigger and grander!  I do still have at least one more Christmas card package to show off, though that was a package that didn't come until January so I'm nearly caught up on mail packages!  

Thanks again to Andy for the above goodies as well as everyone else who contributed to making my first ever Not-So-Secret Santa a rousing success...and a heckuva lot of fun for me!  


  1. I'm glad everything got to you okay. Very nice that you got a very nice mini out of the A & G pack. The Lego set is from 2003 while Kobe was still wearing #8. Curious thing, the back of the Lego box says "Trading cards, randomly packed." Does that mean chances are the box won't have cards of Kobe, Kidd and Kukoc?

    1. That's how I read it, yes. (I could very easily be wrong though!) Thanks again!

  2. Nice haul here, Andy hit two of your favorites and that Glasnow was a heck of a pull.

  3. That Lego set is sweet!


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