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Hitting Up eBay for a #/25!

Delivery Time! Surprise Cards from "O" No!!! Another Orioles Blog!

For the past few years, I have been hosting many group breaks on my Discord (you can join here).  I've been pleased to see many of my old "blogging buddies" join the Discord - and even more pleased to see that some of them have joined in recent group breaks.  One such blogging buddy is Ryan from "O" No!!! Another Orioles Blog.  Ryan has been joining in my group groups going all the way back to 2010 and we've sent many trade packages to and from throughout the years.  

Earlier this week, I received a surprise envelope from Ryan as a thank you for the recent group breaks I've held that he's participated in.  Ryan said he had picked up a few cards for me at some card shows which was certainly a nice and thoughtful gesture!  

So what did Ryan find for me?  Well, you can't go wrong with Barry Larkin cards, that's for sure!

I think my favorite of the bunch is the Triple Threads card from 2017.   I don't buy the high-end sets for myself so most of what I own of the higher-end stuff for my Barry Larkin Collection comes from either single card purchases or trades.  I didn't own that particular Triple Threads card so that's a bonus (and I always love it when the Reds' "running man" logo is prominently featured on a card).  The Panini die-cut USA Baseball is another standout among the group of cards, especially since it is the red parallel version!

Ryan also grabbed a couple of other 1992 Fan Fest All-Star cards for me including my very first "favorite player" growing up in Chris Sabo!  The three All-Star cards that Ryan sent me were all of the "gold" variety which is the rarer version (the other version is silver).

Thanks a ton, Ryan, for the thoughtful gesture, and thank you for continuing to support my group breaks over the years!  Here's to another decade (or more) of trading!


  1. Cool to see Ryan's name on here! Awesome cards. Love the FanFest ones.

  2. I'm glad you liked the cards! I get nervous when picking out cards for other people. If anybody else reads this comment and is interested in any of those Gold Fanfest cards, I brought home nearly the entire set and am willing to work out a trade.

  3. Ryan I would be interested if the set was complete

  4. I'm 14 years late to the party... but I just added Ryan's blog to my reading list.

  5. I thought Ryan's blog was retired...when I looked before into adding him, he wasn't active. He must have returned like his favorite team!


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