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Board Game Friday: My September 2024 Trade Results

With September now in the books, it's time to look at my board game trades for the month.  As usual, I joined in BoardGameGeek's math trade which resulted in my only board game trade of the month!

Giving:  Heroes of Terrinoth
Getting:  World's Fair 1893

Heroes of Terrinoth is a cooperative game that I played with a friend of mine a few times.  We definitely enjoyed our plays but both of us felt by the end of the session that we had more or less discovered all that the game could really offer.  As such, I added the game to my trade pile and ended up swapping it in the Math Trade for World's Fair 1893.

World's Fair 1893 is a family-weight strategy game that I hope will be one I can learn and then teach (and play) with my son.  Lately, most of my trades have been made with the main focus of acquiring new games to play with my son and this particular swap was no exception.  

I will say that the game still is sitting on my "need to learn" shelf of games but hopefully, I'll be able to get it to the table soon. Playtime appears to be 30-45 minutes so that's a good length for playing with a six-year-old!  

That's it for board game trades in September, a single swap is all I could get done!  That said, I do plan to join October's Math Trade on BGG so hopefully that will net me at least one new game for next month's board game trade recap post.  
