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Board Game Friday: September 2024 Games Played Recap!

Another month is in the books which means it is time to take a look at another month's worth of board game plays!  As expected, my game-playing has taken a back seat to the realities of life (specifically school and work back in full swing).  That being said, I did manage to get 13 different games to the physical table spread out across a total of 34 plays.  It's a far cry from July 2024's 84 plays but I'll happily take an average of over a game played per day in the month of September!

As usual, here's the full graphic for the month's plays:

The big winner here was Downforce with my son (eight plays) and the solo game At the Helm (7 plays).  At the Helm was a new-to-me game for the month as was Harmonies and Kombo Klash.  My son and I played both Harmonies and Kombo Klash at our local game store's free game library.  We enjoyed Harmonies enough that I ended up buying it (Kombo Klash was fine but not a game that I need to play again).  

The month of September saw me make a more conscious effort to play solo games.  I managed nine such solo plays spread across the aforementioned At the Helm and Numbsters.  Both games are small "wallet games" published by Button Shy and each are quite good (in fact, I reviewed At the Helm here).

Another game worth mentioning is Dwar7s Fall, a game that I had played many years ago and finally got back to the table.  It's a neat worker placement game with tile laying and some opportunities to mess with your opponent.  Definitely, a game that I want to play again soon rather than me waiting several years before getting it back off the shelf.

I expect October will be another month that will be fairly light on game playing, however, I also hope to continue to try more solo gaming so who knows, maybe I can top 34 games played in that way?  
