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Taking a Holiday Break here at Nachos Grande!

Hi all,

I've decided to take a holiday break here at Nachos Grande.  That's not to say there won't be anything new posted (in fact, tomorrow I already have my next ten games in my Top 50 Games of 2024 countdown post queued up).  That said, I am going to cease daily posts for a while so that I can enjoy the holidays with my family.  My son is off from school starting tomorrow and then of course, next week is Christmas which is a big deal when you have a six-year-old in the house!  

I am hoping to get the final installment of my Top 50 Games of 2024 countdown written for next Friday and I may sneak in another post or two along the way but I think from now until the New Year you'll see a drastic slowdown in my posting schedule!  

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone and I'll be back before you know it.



  1. Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas, enjoy the time off.

  3. Enjoy the break with the family! Merry Christmas!

  4. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! 🎄
    Enjoy! We'll be here when you get back.

  5. Merry Christmas. I did not have a blog when my kid was 6, probably for reasons just like this.

  6. Enjoy the time off, good sir!

  7. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time off!

  8. Hope you and you family have a safe, relaxing, and happy holiday season!


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