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A Pack Rip of Something Completely Different: Disc Golf Cards!

I am a guy with way too many hobbies but recently two of my hobbies meshed into one.  I made an order over on Dave & Adams and as part of the order, I got to pick out a "free gift."  Now, D&A's free gifts are typically trash but on this day I saw one of my options was a pack of disc golf cards.  

I love disc golf, and I love cards, so why not see what happens when those two things get combined?  

Behold:  2023 Brixton Disc Golf XL Pack.

My first thought upon seeing the pack was: "ugly wrapper."  However, let's not judge a card by its wrapper...but before we get to the cards, here are the stated odds on the ugly pack wrapper.

Base parallels:
Brixton:  1:1
DGPT:  2:1
Wonderbread:  1:5
Throw Joes:  1:10

Roots:  1:4
Legacy XL:  1:100
Rookie Showcase:  1:7
Remember the Name:  1:10

Rookie Showcase Auto: 1:17
Rookie Showcase Gold:  1:333
Remember the Name Auto:  1:33
Remember the Name Gold:  1:500
Inscripted:  1:56
Inscripted Gold:  1:500
Brixton Elite:  1:555
Brixton Elite Gold:  1:1,667

Based on the pack odds, there appears to be a nice mix of things in each pack though I do wish all card companies would stop with the parallels of parallels.  With the fine print out of the way, let's dig into our pack of 10 cards.

Base cards:

I admit that I don't follow a lot of professional disc golf and thus, I have only heard of one person in the above batch (Ohn Scoggins).  Of course, three of the six cards feature rookies so I can't be blamed for not knowing them, right?  And yes, even disc golf cards have rookie fever I guess.  

On the bright side, I think that Matt Orum card is one of my favorite cards of the year already.  The pine trees in the background coupled with his winter hat and Westside Discs pine tree shirt make for a great image that really does capture a lot of what disc golf is about.  High marks to the Even Smith card as well for being a bit more of an action shot with a nice leafy background.


My two DGPT parallels:

I've heard of James Conrad but not Grady Shue.  I must say that it's odd that it took eight cards before we had our first actual disc sighting on a card.  Also, the DGPT parallels are clearly worse than the regular base cards - give me my foliage backgrounds!  On the bright side, the parallels are clearly labeled on the backside of each card which is something that all card companies could learn from Brixton!

My Brixton parallel:

Seeded one per pack, the Brixton parallel is basically a black-and-white background version of the black-and-blue DGPT background parallel.  Neither do much for me and I'd definitely prefer having three regular base cards in their place.

Finally, I did get a 1:10 pack Throw Joes parallel:

I have no idea what "Throw Joes" is supposed to mean here but at least the card design is changed up and now we get some sort of floral print background.  

And that's the pack.  

Overall, I enjoyed the pack rip even if I barely heard of most of the subjects.  I could probably be convinced to rip a blaster of this stuff if it were available in my local Wal*Mart (fat chance of that ever happening) but I don't think I'll shell out the $100 or so that boxes are going for on eBay.  Heck, the last thing I need is to expand the amount of stuff I'm collecting...this should be a one-and-done deal for me!


  1. I love oddball products like these. Last year I opened up a pack of yo-yo professionals. Anyways... I haven't played disc golf in over a decade, but one of my favorite "shorts" to watch are awesome shots. It's insane how good some people are at this sport.


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