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A Tribecards Giveaway (Part 3)

Back in September of 2024, I started to show off the highlights from a Tribecards giveaway.  In that giveaway, I ended up with cards from three teams:  Astros, Mariners, and Reds.  For each of the first two teams, I went through the box and picked out my eight favorite cards which worked well.  No reason to change my plans, even if it somehow took me several months to finally get around to the finale of the series!

#8:  Bronson Arroyo

The Arroyo for Wily Mo Pena trades will probably go down as one of the best trades (for the Reds) in my lifetime.  Arroyo was a standup guy who also turned in many great starts for the Reds.  I was actually at the game where Arroyo was inducted into the Reds Hall of Fame (and I have the bobblehead to prove it)!  

#7:  Jose Rijo

Okay, so I don't love this particular set but I think this is a new-to-me Jose Rijo card (did you know I have a small collection of Rijo cards)?  Someday, I might get around to updating TCDB on my smaller player PCs but for now, I'll simply keep accumulating when they come my way!

#6:  Johnny Bench

This Allen & Ginter Field Generals card is from the 2020 set and, if I'm being 100% honest, I had already forgotten this particular insert set existed!  On the bright side, it is a good-looking card.

#5:  George Foster

There was a healthy number of Reds cards from the 80s in the box from Tribecards including this 1980 George Foster.  You have to respect the sideburns that Foster rocked!

#4:  Chris Sabo

I probably own five or six copies of this card but it will forever go down as one of my all-time favorite cards from my childhood.  I remember thinking that the rookie trophy was super special and Chris Sabo was my first "favorite player" that I had (mostly because of a shared first name plus he was pretty darn good for a few years)!

#3:  Johnny Bench

Bench returns to the countdown with a nice 1981 All-Star card.  It's a solid card of Bench, even if it's not the action shot that we are all used to in today's cards.  I have always liked the little hat design with the team name and player position.

#2:  Johnny Bench

From an old Bench to a rather new Bench, this one is a parallel numbered out of 150 on the back of the card.  I don't get a lot of serially numbered Johnny Bench cards these days so this one is an instant keeper (Bench is another guy for which I have a small PC).

#1:  Buddy Gilbert

My favorite card from the box is actually of some guy I never heard of.  However, when that guy is on a 1960 Topps card complete with the old Reds running man logo, well, it's got to be #1 on the list! 

That does it for the list!  Lots of good cards in the box and it's always fun to go through a box of Reds and find little treasures here and there.  Many thanks to Tribecards for the giveaway and somehow, my taking four months to finish off writing about the giveaway is fitting for a giveaway process that was years in the making!  


  1. Oh wow that 80 Foster is one I should look for for my Candlesick binder

  2. I remember ripping open packs in search of Sabo. His 89T card is an attractive piece of cardboard. Rookie cup with the unique (well-cropped) action shot is a nice combo.


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