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I Guess I Should Make Some 2025 Resolutions!

With another new year begun, it's time for me to make another batch of resolutions I will (hopefully) complete within the next twelve months. 

1.  The Want List

A baseball card collector's perpetual goal is to whittle down the want list!  As of right now, my want list contains a total of 32 different sets.  My goal is to get the total down to 25 (or fewer) sets by the end of 2025!

2.  The Great Reorganization

There will be a year when I manage to completely reorganize my collection.  I doubt that year will be 2025 but I'm going to give it an honest effort.  Specifically, I hope to do the following things this year:
  • Clean off my TV stand that is full of cards.
  • Clean off my table that sits behind my desk (also full of cards)
  • Update TCDB with all of my 2022 through 2024 Barry Larkin cards
  • Clear out at least two binder's worth of sets to make space for future sets on my bookshelf
3.  Reading

I've been bad about reading books despite truly enjoying the act of reading.  I'm going to set a goal of reading five books in 2025.

4.  My LEGO Blog

I do want to continue to support my LEGO blog.  If I can manage 36 posts over there, that'd be a solid turnout for the year.  

I think that's going to do it for my 2025 Resolutions.  With only four things to work on, there's not much room to hide at the end of the year in terms of whether or not I was successful.  I think I've had some form of Resolution #2 on my list every year for the past decade or so...and yet, I'm still nowhere near as organized as I'd like to be.  Hopefully, this is the year where I make true progress on that goal!  

How about you?  Do you have any blog (or non-blog) related resolutions for 2025?  


  1. Best of luck on your 2025 Blog Resolutions!

    I haven't written any resolutions (blog or personal) in years. I used to set hobby goals... but honestly I never really got into the habit of checking in on them. On a personal level... I have goals and things I want to accomplish, but they don't (usually) revolve around the new year's thing.

  2. I also have down to read more books in 2025! Polished one off last week so tackling #2!


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