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Three Times the Shiny Charm!

Picking up a Needed Case Hit from Allen & Ginter!

One of my resolutions for 2025 is to whittle my want list down to a manageable 25 sets (or less).  Many sets have been lurking on my want list for years, so what better reason to start to (finally) make some progress on one such set?!

That's a 2014 Topps Allen & Ginter mini from the Athletic Endeavors sets.  Yep, a decade-old insert set is still haunting my want list!  The Athletic Endeavors set was an unannounced mini insert set back in 2014 and, as such, it's quite rare.  From what I can find online, it appears that the cards from the 10-card Athletic Endeavors set were seeded 1:288 packs (i.e. one per case).  Obviously, being a case hit means that tracking down ten different cards is going to be tough!  Truthfully, I didn't expect that I'd only now, a decade later, hit the halfway point of completing the set (and if I had known that, I probably would have skipped out on the set entirely).  

I actually have two TWO different mini insert sets from the 2014 A&G set that I'm still working on:

2014 Topps Allen & Ginter's Want List:
Athletic Endeavors:
AE-01 Shovel Racing
AE-03 Rock Paper Scissors
AE-04 Royal Shrovetide Football
AE-05 Cheese Rolling
AE-07 Chess Boxing
Urban Fauna:
UF-01 Sciurus Carolinensis (Grey Squirrel)
UF-02 Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach)
UF-09 Rattus Norvegicus (Brown Rat)

You might not be surprised to learn that the Urban Fauna set is the other unannounced mini set and it is also a case hit!  I don't know what made me decide to try and track down two different case hit insert sets but here we are, doing exactly that!  

This probably goes without saying but if you happen to have any of the above cards I listed as needed, I'd love to try and work out some sort of trade!


  1. Chess boxing sounds interesting. Best of luck on these set builds.


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