Earlier this month, I made a series of New Year Resolutions. One of my 2025 resolutions is to reduce the total number of sets on my want list while a second resolution is to clean off the table that sits behind my desk. Today, I'm pleased to report I'm making (small) progress on both of those goals!
I have had this envelope of cards from an eBay purchase sitting on my table for a few weeks - time to get the cards scanned and sorted (and then put in binders). Once that's done, then I'll at least have a tiny bit of clean table space showing!
This particular purchase was for a bunch of small lots all from the same eBay seller. I grabbed as many of the seller's 2024 Allen & Ginter Chrome Refractors as I could afford as well as a bunch of 2024 Allen & Ginter Chrome Mini cards.
We'll start with the Refractors:
Four more to inch me a bit closer to completing the 100-card set. I now have 63 of the 100 cards in this particular set. Of course, that means I'm still looking for quite a few Chrome Refractor cards including the Paul Skenes Chrome Refractor (which is annoying for my wallet).
Next, the Chrome Minis.
I'm doing better on the Chrome Mini set (currently at 77 out of the 100 cards). Here's what I'm still searching for:
Overall, it was a solid purchase that didn't break the bank. I'm happy to have made some progress on two set builds (even if I still have a ways to go on both). As any set collector will tell you, every little bit helps!
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