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Barry Larkin Collection 1,073: 1996 Flair - #234

Barry Larkin
Year:  1996
Brand:  Flair
Card number:  234

I'm not sure when I first discovered the Flair brand, I know it wasn't back in 1996 since I wouldn't have had any sort of budget for the set back then!  That said, the brand is probably worthy of its premium branding as I think this is a great-looking card (even if the card front scans poorly).  Honestly, the card's back alone is enough to make me love this card - a great shot of Larkin's back with the clear last name behind the statistics plus a large team logo and an action shot.  What's not to love?!  

I think Flair is one of those sets that if I had infinite money (and infinite storage space), I'd try to build the full run of sets.  Unfortunately, I have neither infinite money nor infinite storage space so I'll be content to own the Barry Larkin card above and call it good!  
