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Padrographs Sends Cards! (Part 2)

Yesterday, I showed off some of the cards that Rod (from Padrographs) recently sent me.  Today, I'm back with more from the box of goodies, this time focusing on A&G mini cards!

Rod sent me a small handful of minis but while the number of cards was tiny, the hit rate for my collection was exceptional!  In fact, from that small bunch of cards, there were three that I still needed for my various set builds!

I was lucky enough to land two of the last six cards that I needed from the 50 US States set.

Of the two states, I've been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to visit Washington once, but I've never been to Louisiana.  One of my bucket list items is to visit all 50 US states at least once before I die so hopefully I'll get to Louisiana for that reason if nothing else!

The other needed mini was from the Flags of the World set:

I'm a big sucker for flag sets so I am loving the 2024 Flags of the World set.  With the Netherlands card now in my binder, I'm down to needing only seven more cards before I can call the set complete!  

As mentioned at the top of the post, Rod did send me a few other minis but those ended up being duplicates.  No worries though, hopefully, I can flip a couple of them into some of the many minis that I still need.  Who knows, maybe even some of the last minis from the two above sets!

Many thanks to Rod for the generous trade package!  And don't worry, I'm still not done going through and showing off the contents from the box he sent my way!
