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Barry Larkin Collection 1078: 1996 Leaf - #105 - Press Proof Bronze

Barry Larkin / Mo Vaughn
Year:  1996
Brand:  Leaf
Parallel:  Press Proof Bronze
Card number:  105

The 1996 Leaf set had three tiers of Press Proof parallels (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).  The Gold parallels were limited to 500 copies, the Silver to 1000 copies, and the Bronze to 2000 copies.  Unfortunately, none of the parallel tiers used actual serial numbering which can make spotting the Press Proof cards a bit more challenging (also worth noting, the card doesn't say "Press Proof" anywhere on it)!  Even worse, on the checklist cards (such as today's card), you can really only tell the parallel version by the foil used on the side of the card (compare the Press Proof card to Larkin's regular base card #105 to see what I mean).  

I like a lot of what Leaf did with the 1996 set but I don't care much for the Press Proof parallels.  They are too difficult to tell apart, they are quite rare, and they don't use serial numbering despite having specific print runs.  Oh, and did I mention that I've yet to acquire any of the Silver or Gold parallels from this set?  Yeah, that might also contribute to my irritation with the set!
