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Delivery Time (and Contest Reminder)! Entry from Mike at

As part of my recently announced contest (that I've reopened to get a few more participants), Mike from BA Benny's Baseball Card Buffet sent me his SASE as well as three cards off my want list (each card from my want list is worth bonus points).  Thanks to the three cards, BABenny is out in front currently on the contest leaderboard.

Here are the cards he sent with his SASE entry:

2010 Topps:
Peak Performers: 
PP-3.  Honus Wagner
PP-43.  Dustin Pedroia

Legendary Lineage:
LL6.  Jimmie Foxx & Manny Ramirez

Thanks for the cards and contest entry Mike - and for everyone else, if you'd like to either trade (or enter the contest), contact me for my new address, check out my want list, and then we'll work something out!
