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TCDB Monday!

Barry Larkin Cards - Some New, Some Not So New

Part of the fun of a group break for me is the chance to add new Barry Larkin cards to my collection.  In my latest group break, I definitely was hoping to do exactly that - especially with a couple of the boxes for which I owned zero Larkin cards from the corresponding sets.

In the end, I walked away with three Barry Larkin cards - but none from the sets that I was really hoping to get one from.  You see, I already owned all three of these...but I guess they'll make decent trade bait, perhaps they'll turn into new Larkin cards for me yet!

I did get one new Barry Larkin card recently, but that's because I bought it with my paltry amount of expiring eBay bucks that I had.

That's a Topps HD card - and it's pretty great!  I'll have more on that particular card and set when I feature it in my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection series of posts.  For now though, I'll simply say that if you want to trade (Larkins or otherwise), hit me up!
