Barry Larkin
Year: 2002
Brand: Fleer Genuine
Card number: 29
I discovered the Fleer Genuine set well after its original release but I have to admit that I like the set quite a bit. Although you probably can't tell from the scan, the borders have a bit of a shimmer to them and they look quite nice. The backside of the card suffers from a lack of originality in terms of design but you do get a photo of Larkin looking like he is posing for a AAA card release instead of a MLB photo.
Besides the base card (of which there are no parallels(!)), Larkin also appears in the Names of the Game insert set and Names of the Game Memorabilia set (
I already showed off the relic card here). Therefore, I now own two of the three Barry Larkin cards in the set and I'd have to think it won't be that hard to find the lone insert if I already own the relic version!
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