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Barry Larkin Collection 757: 2004 Donruss World Series - #51 - Blue parallel

Barry Larkin
Year:  2004
Brand:  Donruss World Series
Card number:  WS-51
Pseudo-Parallel set:  Blue

The 2004 Donruss World Series set has a ton of different Larkin cards in it (I detailed that in a previous post).  The card you see above is from the pseudo-parallel Blue set.   This card has a different image as compared to Larkin's regular (white) base card and a completely different write-up on the card's back (which is why this is a pseudo-parallel rather than a proper parallel set, plus the Blue set is only 100 cards in size as opposed to the 200-card regular base set).  

Like the regular base card, there are a number of proper parallels of the Blue pseudo-parallel but as I said previously, tracking those down is definitely way, way, way down near the bottom of my Barry Larkin "to-do" list.  For now, I'm simply happy to have each of the two most common Larkin cards from the set!
