Barry LarkinYear: 1990
Brand: Star Gold
Card number: 99
We've finally reached the last of the Barry Larkin cards in the 1990 Star Gold set. In total, there are nine different Larkin cards (
here's the eighth card which I wrote about in my last Larkin Collection post).
Card #99 is the last Larkin card in the set and it also happens to be my least favorite of the nine Barry cards. For starters, the front image is terrible - clearly that's Larkin swinging and missing (and quite painfully at that). The back isn't horrible but there isn't much there that I didn't already know. Still, despite the relative clunker which ends the Larkin portion of the 1990 Star Gold set, overall it was a fun little series to collect (and write about)!
At this point, I should mention that there is also a 1990 Star Gold promo card of Barry Larkin but I don't own that one (at least not yet). Otherwise, this closes the door on this particular set...but don't worry, there's yet another Star set that features Barry Larkin on multiple cards from the year 1990 - and while I don't have all of the cards from that particular set yet, I am working on it! Hopefully, in the not-so-distant future I can show those off as well!
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