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Breaker's Club #4: Remaining Teams Prices Reduced! (Orioles, Cubs, Indians, Astros, Royals, Angels, Dodgers, Athletics, Mariners, Rays, Blue Jays, and Nationals/Expos)! Join Now!

My fourth Breaker's Club is set to begin soon but before we start I need to sell the remaining teams!  I've lowered the prices on all unclaimed teams - go here for full details and to sign up!  At the moment, the break contains NINE different boxes - and more boxes will be added as the remaining slots are claimed and paid for!

Update:  Mariners, Rays, and Nationals/Expos slots now claimed!  Still plenty more slots to go, let's get this thing filled up!  

Boxes included thus far:
  1. 2021 Topps Series 2 (hobby)
  2. 2021 Topps Inception (hobby)
  3. 2021 Topps Stadium Club (hobby)
  4. 2002 Topps Ten
  5. 2001 Pacific Private Stock (retail)
  6. 2000 Pacific Vanguard (hobby)
  7. 1997 Leaf Series 1
  8. 1994 Topps Stadium Club Series 2
  9. 1993 Leaf Update
