Barry LarkinYear: 1992
Brand: Leaf
Parallel set: Black Gold
Card number: 73
The 1992 Leaf set featured the Black Gold parallel (not to be confused with Topps Gold parallels which also debuted in 1992). I must say that I vastly prefer the Black Gold parallels as compared to
the regular base Leaf cards from 1992. The Black Gold cards were seeded one-per-pack so they aren't exactly rare (but then again, with 264 cards in the First Series, good luck pulling the exact Black Gold card you are looking for)! Otherwise, I don't have much else to add about this card that I didn't already say back when I talked about Larkin's regular 1992 Leaf base card. The front has a decent image on it but I find the overall look and design of 1992 Leaf to be lackluster (I vastly prefer the design of the 1992 Topps set so your mileage may vary in terms of whether or not you agree with my assessment)!
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