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Monday's are for TCDB (duh!)

Another week, another TCDB mail bag haul.  This week was much slower than the past several weeks, mostly because I'm wrapping up stuff at work for the semester (and also my want list has shrunk a lot as compared to even a few weeks ago)!  

My first trade of the week shrinks my want list even more as user gorrister was able to send me the final card that I needed for my 2023 Allen & Ginter Rookie Variation insert set:

Yep, set #20 for the year completed!  It was only a couple of years ago that my want list had ballooned to well over 100 different sets (which was nuts).  Now, I'm happy to report that things are much more reasonable in terms of the number of cards that I'm attempting to collect.  Of course, a more limited want list does, naturally, limit the number of potential trades that I can complete but that's a trade off that I'm content to live with.

Next up, from user AAARRT comes a Barry Larkin card from way back in 1997.

That's a 1997 Finest card of Barry Larkin and for as much I love having that card in my collection, I think am even more excited by the fact that AAARRT included a note with the card saying that he had set that card aside for me a year ago!  Once again, I'm blown away at how many people all over the country (and the world, in some cases) will see a card and then think of me!  That's such an honor, and it's not something I'll ever take for granted - and quite honestly, it helps to keep the fire going in terms of this particular blog (and also my activity over on TCDB).  So yes, many thanks to AAARRT for not only the awesome Larkin card that I didn't have yet but even more so for thinking of me in the first place!

That does it for this week on TCDB - not a ton of trades but I'd say it was still a great week overall!  


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