I posted my usual TCDB trade recap for the previous week. However, I ended up receiving a dozen trade envelopes last week which was simply too many for a single post. Thus, I showed off half of the packages on Monday and now, a day later, I'm back today to show off the remaining goodies!
We'll start with a package from pucklord333:
Two A&G minis from this year's set including a card of BBQ Brisket which instantly makes me hungry. I do love a good brisket sandwich! I also have an unexplained love of cards showing flags - so the Flags of the World set is also right my alley. Food and flags, good times!
Moving right along, next up is a trade with user theburn25:
More minis from a variety of 2024 A&G sets. Three more Country Flags, 2 Chrome minis, a Barry Larkin A&G back for my PC, and 2 of the World's Tallest Mountains cards. I love when I can work out larger trades that whittle down a lot of different sets so this was a nice swap for me.
Next up, from user LSoulier comes three more minis from this year's A&G set:
I'm always happy to land another needed Flags of the World card. The Mountains, while appreciated, simply aren't as interesting to me - and the Rookie Design Variations appear to be one more way for Topps to cram each year's rookie crop down our proverbial throats in a retail-only fashion. Of course, I'm a super hypocrite on both of those counts since here I am actively collecting both sets to along with the one that I actually like!
Finally, we end with a trade with bubbasbums. This was by far my largest trade of the week both in terms of what I received as well as what I had to send away. In the end, I was able to land 9 needed Chrome Refractors from this year's Ginter set.
In addition, I also got with five minis plus a pair of Barry Larkin minis including a Brooklyn back #/25.
The Larkin Brooklyn back is probably the biggest highlight for me simply because it can be difficult to track down a specific player from that set! I should also mention that the Apple card from the Got the Itch set is probably the most pungent of any of the Got the Itch cards that I have in my possession. Then again, my head cold is finally clearing maybe it's more that my nose is finally working right again? Either way, you can definitely smell the apples!
Astute readers may notice that I didn't actually cover 6 different trades in this particular blog post. That's because as I went through the six trades remaining on my desk, two of them had problems that needed to be addressed. In one trade, I was sent the incorrect cards while in the other trade, the most important cards arrived damaged. I'm working with both traders right now to make things correct so rather than call anyone out I'll wait and see how things end up. Those trades, along with several others that are in the works, will hopefully end up in next week's TCDB recap mailbag!
It's only 8 in the morning... but I'd totally devour that brisket sandwich if it was in front of me. That thing looks amazing.