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Delivery Time! Huge Box 'o Reds from Tim at GSNHoF

Another day, another package of cards!  The latest is a big box chock full of Reds courtesy of Tim over at Great Sports Name Hall of Fame.  I'm pretty sure Tim sent thes box to me out of the blue - I don't have any recent records of any trades which means it's a surprise package! 

Let's dig in and see what treasures await!

I've picked out a few of my favorites (out of the roughly 125 Reds cards that Tim sent me)!

1993 Topps Stadium Club
233.  Jose Rijo

I dare you to try to find a boring baseball card featuring Rijo!  Even in a mundane batting practice shot Rijo manages to look simultaneously goofy and awesome.

1992 Fleer Ultra
485.  Bip Roberts

Bip Roberts cards will never be looked at the same way again thanks to the bippings of early 2010.  That said, I like the 1992 Fleer Ultra set - the faux marble look at the bottom of the card adds a bit of "class" to a set that was designed to be classy.  Very nice.

1996 Fleer
355.  Eddie Taubensee

I don't know why I like this set, it's actually got almost everything that I usually don't like in a set.  Gaudy layer names?  Check.  Full-bleed photography?  Check.  Tough to read team names?  Check.  No team logos on the front?  Check.  Cheap card stock?  Check mate.  And yet, for some reason, all those wrongs end up making a right...  I could even see me trying to collect the entire '96 Fleer set at some point in the future...I must crazy.

2001 Topps Gallery
44.  Sean Casey

Topps Gallery is one of those sets that I've never bought a single pack of - mostly because I don't have any hobby shops in my vicinity...and because 2001 was a "dead year" to me as far as card collecting goes...I was too busy graduating high school and going to college to be bothered with cardboard.  That said, it's too bad I missed this set because if the Casey is any indication, I really like it!

2000 Topps
Tools of Success
TC5.  Ivan Rodriguez & Johnny Bench

I've never been a fan of Ivan but any card with Bench on it must be a winner in my book! 

2000 Fleer Tradition
34.  Eddie Taubensee

Ah, Fleer Tradition...how I've missed thee!  Fleer Tradition used to be one of my favorite sets every year, it seemd like Fleer really knew how to market to retail (since that was all I could buy at the time) - the Tradition line always brought something different compared to the other sets that were out for that year.  I think I need to look on eBay for some cheap Fleer Tradition boxes and bust them for fun...maybe I can even collect a couple of the full sets that way.

And finally, Tim also included a bunch of Larkins - but you know that they'll each get their own post in my ongoing Barry Larkin Collection series.

Thanks a lot Tim!  I'll have to keep on the lookout for more Red Sox to send your way! Finally, as always, if anyone else would like to work out a trade - check out my want list and make an offer!


  1. I love the 96' Fleer Set. I like the texture of the cards


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