Featured Post

The Quest for 35!

Contest Reminder!

I posted this contest a couple of weeks ago but participation has been rather lacking which I attribute to the post getting lost in the muck known as the Group Break.  I'll open the contest up again - and those who sent their SASE, your cards will be in the mail tomorrow!



Here's the deal:

You send me a SASE with a penny sleeve in a top loader AND pick a MLB team.

Then, I send you two cards.

One will be a card of the team of your choice.

One will be a second card of a random team.

You use what I send you. You may use them any way you wish.

You post your results on your blog in photo/video form (or email me and I'll post it on my blog). You also comment back on this post with a link to your blog.

Most creative entry wins. If I get approval from Strat-o-Matic, winner will get a game, otherwise I'll have a different prize... And, to make it interesting, if you include a card off my want list in the top loader, you get bonus points.

Note: Please leave a comment (on this post since many of you who commented on the last post never sent your SASA) if you are participating, at some point I'll run out of the "special" cards and will be unable to add more participants.


  1. Did you get mine? I commented on the last post and sent a SASE your way!

  2. I'm in, sorry I forgot to send out my SASE but I will get on it.

  3. SpastickMooss: Yes, I did get your SASE and your cards are going in the mail tomorrow... I fell behind on my mailings but I'm all caught up now!

  4. OOPPPSSS. I forgot the SASE didn't I. I guess i missed out that detail. You did at least get your cards right? I'll see if I can find you soething else to send and get it right this time.

  5. I too forgot to send in a SASE. I'll have that in the mail ASAP!


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