Barry Larkin
Year: 2011
Brand: Topps
Insert Set: 60 Years of Topps
Card number: 60YOT-44
The 2011 Topps set features a few different Barry Larkin cards (which seems to bode well for future Topps inclusion as well). This particular card is part of Topps' 60 Years of Topps set which features one reprint card from each of Topps past 59 sets. I also own the original 1994 card that this card is a reprint of (and you can see that
Larkin Collection entry here).
As for this card, like the card it is a reprint of, it's pretty nice. The front is an accurate reproduction (other than the fact that the '95 set used gold foil while the reprint uses silver foil) and the back provides a nice summary of what the 1995 Topps was all about. Larkin was a fitting choice for the 1995 set reproduction card since he earned MVP Honors in '95.
I hated the '95 Topps design when I first saw it, but it is actually slowly growing on me