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Group Break 7: 2001 Topps Archives - Pack 2 (Full 'o Dodgers!)

Now that we got the obligatory first pack from each box out of the way (where I scan all the cards from the pack), it's time to really get rolling on the group break.  As it stands, my plan is to bust this thing out fairly quickly - so keep checking back to see new packs throughout not only today, but also the weekend and much of next week.  I hope to have all the cards in the mail before Allen & Ginter hits!

One more thing:  For those that aren't in the group break (and/or don't care to read group break posts), I'm also going to scatter in some non-group break stuff for you guys and gals.  I try to please everyone here at Nachos Grande!

2001 Topps Archives:
Pack 2:

285.  Bill Buckner - Dodgers
296.  George Brett - Royals

319.  Roberto Clemente - Pirates

330.  Pee Wee Reese - Dodgers

332.  Carl Furillo - Dodgers
336.  Bill Pierce - Giants
387.  Whitey Ford - Yankees
412.  Bert Blyleven - Angels

In case you weren't counting, that's three out of eight cards belonging to the Dodgers.  Not a bad haul at all.  However, despite all the Dodgers, my favorite card in the pack is easily the Roberto Clemente card.  Simply a great, great card!


  1. Woo Hoo! Go Dodgers!

  2. Thank God that Buckner card isn't of the Red Sox variety


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