Barry Larkin
Year: 1996
Brand: Denny's (Pinnacle)
Card number: 13 of 28
The 1996 Denny's set featured 28 cards and was manufactured by Pinnacle. The front of the card features a hologram of Larkin along with a small image in full color. It's kind of nice that the two images on the front of the card are different - and it is even better that the image on the back of the card is different from the front photos! For an "odd ball" card, this one happens to be quite well designed.
For comparison, here is the
1995 Denny's card of Barry Larkin. You will notice the '95 set was made by Upper Deck, and although both utilize a hologram type idea, I think Pinnacle made a much, MUCH nicer card. Also, just like the '95 card, the 1996 Denny's card makes full use of the team logo and name. Either licensing rules were much less stringent then, or Denny's really wanted an "official set" for their restaurant business. Judging by some of the Post Cereal cards that I have, I'm guessing Denny's must have paid a bit more for the full license...
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