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The Day of Reckoning.

Alright, that might admittedly be a bit over-the-top, but today is a big day for me...  I have a pair of in class final exams for my first semester of being back in grad school en route to (hopefully) earning my Ph.D. within a few years.  Today's topics?

Linear Algebra and General Topology.

My Linear Algebra class was my favorite of the semester but I have no idea what is going to be on the exam...  My topology class was a struggle for much of the semester but things started to turn around towards the latter month or so.  That exam is 100% memorization (not my forte).

If I'm lucky and both professors ask me questions for which I've studied the answers I should do ok.  I've been preparing for these two exams longer, and more seriously, than I have for any exam in my life.  On the other hand, given that we've covered so much material it's entirely possible that they ask me something that I've not studied (or glossed over) and then I'm in trouble.

My sense is that you'll know which situation occurred by the tone of my post on Thursday.  


  1. kick butt - my sense is you will be fine. It sounds like you have done your due diligence and got your studying in. Looking fwd to a Happy Post on Thurs. can't believe you are doing this AND still find time for perpetual blogging/trading/box-breaking.

  2. The best of luck to you!

  3. Linear Algebra is cake, you got it in the bag.

  4. I know how you feel. Good luck!


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