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1999 UD Retro Box Break: The Final Two Packs (Autograph!)

It's finally here - the thrilling conclusion to my 1999 UD Retro (lunch) box break!  The Retro box ended up being one of my favorite Christmas gifts of last year - along with a new wood palm router and a couple of sweet video games.  However, we aren't here to talk about woodworking or video games today - we are here to see the final two packs!

Pack 23:
37.  Ken Caminiti
62.  Ben Grieve
79.  Carlos Guillen
96.  Ted Williams

99.  Harmon Killebrew

110.  Mike Schmidt

This pack had a few great cards - most notably the Killebrew and Williams.  I think the Killebrew card takes the cake though most due to Harmon's intense facial expression as he swings at the baseball.  Good stuff (but not nearly as good as the next pack)!

Pack 24:
14.  Brady Anderson
28.  Larry Walker
29.  Todd Helton
47.  Jeff Cirillo
103.  Willie Mays
HK.  Inkredible Signatures:  Harmon Killebrew

That's right - I ended up with an awesome on-card signature of Harmon Killebrew!  Not only is the signature on card but Killebrew's signature is gorgeous to behold!  I love the card - easily one of my favorite pulls from 2011!

And with that excellent pull, the box is complete!  I'll probably squeeze one more post out of the box where I wrap the entire thing...including finally figuring out if I ended up with a full base set or not.  I also know I'll have a decent sized stack of duplicates for trade - and that I still want to acquire another copy of the Larkin base card from the set.

I'll have more Group Break packs coming up later today - stay tuned for those too!


  1. WOW!!! What a way to end the box!!! That is a really good looking product, but man that HK auto is awesome!!!

  2. Nice pull! Much better that the Sean Casey I predicted.

  3. Wow, now that is an awesome on card auto!


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