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The Quest for 35!

Delivery Time! Do You Ever Trade for Something and Wonder Why You Did?

If you are anything like me, you've probably agreed to at least one trade somewhere along the way and once the cards arrive you say to yourself...


Yep, that was me the other day when a package arrived from Robert over at $30 a Week Habit.  I had sent Robert a bunch of cards, including a couple of Toronto Blue Jays relics (you can read about his end of the deal here) in exchange for some Allen & Ginter relics.  I don't know what I was thinking - there were three relics that I got from Robert, but two of the three were from 2009 (one of the years I've decided NOT to try and collect the relic set from).

Here are the two from 2009:

Cameron Maybin

Travis Hafner

At least there was one from this past year, a card of Carlos Gomez that I did need!

Thanks for the trade Robert, even if I confuse myself on what it is I am actually trying to collect!  The baseball card gods know I have enough stuff that I'm looking for  -  I probably shouldn't keep adding to that list with new sets until I am able to knock some of the older sets off the 'ol want list.


  1. Even though there are talks of tradng him,if you really don't want the Hafner, I know what you can do with him !!!

  2. When you sent me that email originally, I thought to myself "well, I guess he's going after the '09 set now." Had I known differently, I would have said something at the time. Sorry about that Chris...

  3. I've done that once or twice probably to give the other trader something they really really wanted. Sometimes I feel like I have given the other trader the short end of the stick and feel guilty about it, but then when I see their reply/comment about the trade and it's positive I feel much better.

  4. Robert, not your fault! I probably shouldn't take on another year of Ginter relics to chase...though the '09 set is really nice (and quite similar to the '11 set)!


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