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2012 Allen & Ginter: The Non-Baseball Autographs!

In a couple of days, my two cases of 2012 Allen & Ginter should arrive - one is for the group break I'm hosting, the other is mine, all mine!  Until the mailman mail person delivers the boxes, all we can do is wait...and anticipate.  In the spirit of anticipation, here are some of the non-baseball autographs that are (supposedly) in the 2012 Topps Allen & Ginter autograph checklist.  As always, nothing is official until the set is released (and even then there's unlikely to be an official list - Topps couldn't even provide me a relic checklist from either the 2010 or 2011 Ginter sets)!

2012 Topps:
Autograph checklist:

AGA-APA Ara Parseghian
AGA-AP Arnold Palmer
AGA-BH Bob Hurley Sr
AGA-BK Bob Knight
AGA-CM Colin Montgomerie
AGA-CN Curly Neal
AGA-DD Don Dekinger
AGA-DW Dale Webster
AGA-EA Erin Andrews
AGA-EM Ewa Mataya
AGA-GB Guy Bluford
AGA-GG Greg Gumbel
AGA-JB Jerry Bailey
AGA-JBR James Brown
AGA-KB Keegan Bradley
AGA-KH Kirk Herbstreit
AGA-KU Kate Upton
AGA-LK Lefty Kreh
AGA-MB Michael Buffer
AGA-MH Marty Hogan
AGA-ML Meadowlark Lemon
AGA-MP Michael Phelps
AGA-PP Phil Pfister
AGA-RF Roger Federer
AGA-SC Swin Cash

A few thoughts on some of the inclusions:

Topps has some great names on the checklist - and with the summer Olympics about to begin, there might not be a bigger non-baseball autograph out there than the Michael Phelps card (especially if Phelps makes a positive splash in the swimming medals).  (Terrible pun, sorry.)

Phelps also appears on the relic checklist - so all of you who hope to own a piece of his Speedo, well, you are in luck too!

Personally, I find the inclusion of legendary announcer Bruce Buffer to be an interesting inclusion (and a fun one at that), but I'm betting names like Erin Andrews, Ewa Mataya, and Kate Upton will be more popular!  Why do I think that?  Well...sometimes when words fail me, pictures don't.

Erin Andrews:

Ewa Mataya:

Kate Upton:

It's not all Olympic swimmers and pretty faces in the autograph checklist though, Topps also included Guy Bluford (the first African American astronaut), Roger Federer, and sports announcers Kirk Herbstreit and Greg Gumbel.

Which autograph(s) are you most excited about?  Is there anyone you wish Topps would include, maybe for the 2013 Allen & Ginter set?

Image sources:


  1. The (small/slim/unlikely) chance of owning an Arnold Palmer autograph is quite exciting.

  2. I'm most excited about the Brett Lawrie :P But out of the non-ballplayers I think the golfers are a great idea. I loved watching Colin Montgomerie growing up.

  3. I'd love an Erin Andrews autograph, just to see the reaction. Getting a Roger Federer auto would be cool, too.

    Of course, the chance of this is next to none. Looking forward to that Adron Chambers auto, though! :/


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