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How Will the Reds Fare in 2025?

Contest: Round 2 Voting is Now Live! Vote Here, Vote Now!

The Round 2 entry period is officially closed, which means it is now time for everyone to vote!  Remember, you can vote whether or not you are participating in the tournament!  Also, anyone who gets knocked out of the bracket challenge (or has already been eliminated) is welcome to send me a "revenge card" - that is, a scan of a card that I can use as a writing prompt in a later round.  Nothing wrong with exacting a little revenge, right?

However, before we get to the revenge portion, we need to open up the polls!  Make sure you read both entries for each match up and then cast your vote for which one you liked better.  The one with the most votes by 9:00 PM EST on Saturday, August 18 moves on to the next round.  I'm also happy to report that all competitors (except one) submitted an entry for this round - so for most of you, you have to earn your way into the next round!

1. Carlos Selgado (entry) vs. 17.  Scott Sawyer (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 

25.  Mark (entry) vs. 9. dkwilson (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 


4. Wilson (entry) vs. 13. 30 Years of Cardboard (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 


5.  BA Benny (entry) vs. 21. Josh D. (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 


2.  Play at the Plate (entry) vs. 15. dhoff (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 


7.  Alfredo Ortega (no entry - disqualified) vs. 10. gcrl (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 


3.  dayf (entry)vs. 19. Kyle4KC (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 


6.  Spankee (entry) vs. 22.  Kirk Jacobson (entry)
Best Post?
pollcode.com free polls 

Reminder:  The one with the most votes by 9:00 PM* EST on Saturday, August 18 moves on to the next round.

*I might have a softball game (it's playoffs) at that time in which case the polls remain open until I am able to get back to my computer.

Good luck to all the competitors - and remember, keep it fun (and civil) please!  You may feel free to do as much begging and pleading on your own blogs as you wish in order to gain more votes.  And, since my vote is only cast in the case of a tie breaker, you might want to throw me a little bit of a bribe "just in case."


  1. Dang, should have went with bathroom humor. I went away from what was working. Good luck dayf in the next round!

  2. August 17 is Friday. Does voting close Friday or Saturday?

  3. Whoops! I meant to close it on Saturday, August 18 (not 17). Thanks Josh for pointing that out to me.

  4. I should have demanded that it end on the 17th when I still had the lead! :-)

  5. Yikes. I got spanked.


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