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Barry Larkin Collection 312: 1993 Fleer Ultra - #4 - All-Stars Insert

Barry Larkin
Year:  1993
Brand:  Fleer Ultra
Insert set:  All-Stars
Card number:  4

The 1993 Fleer Ultra All-Stars card design is "interesting" to say the least.  The front features a shadow/ghost effect behind the player image - and that same ghost effect is repeated on the back of the despite (despite a totally different main image used).  The front also features a baseball with a trail of fire behind it (because why not?) and a huge amount of gray.  In fact, I'm not sure you can find another insert (from any year or brand) with as much drab gray as there is in this design.

I definitely prefer the original Larkin base card from the 1993 Fleer Ultra set over this insert.  However, I still appreciate the card because it marks the 312th different Barry Larkin card in my collection!
