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Theme Week: Better Know a Blogger (Julie from A Cracked Bat)

Before I get to today's Better Know a Blogger, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind you that my group break is still taking sign-ups.  As of last night (when I wrote this post), there are still 11 open slots including some teams that usually prove to be quite popular!  Here's what's available:

  • Atlanta Braves  
  • Baltimore Orioles 
  • Chicago Cubs 
  • Cleveland Indians 
  • Houston Astros 
  • Los Angeles Angels 
  • Los Angeles Dodgers 
  • Milwaukee Brewers 
  • Oakland Athletics 
  • San Diego Padres & Arizona Diamondbacks 
  • Washington Nationals/Montreal Expos 

So go here and sign up, won't you?  It'll be lots of fun!


Welcome to "Better Know a Blogger" Theme Week (week 2) here at Nachos Grande.  About a week or so ago, I put out a call to any interested bloggers to answer a short questionnaire that I had prepared.  The goal of the questionnaire is for all of us to get to better know some of the various personalities on the blogs!  I hope you find this Theme Week as much fun as I did - and hopefully you'll learn something about your fellow bloggers as the week progresses!

1. Your name (or alias):  Julie
2. Your blog website:  A Cracked Bat
3. What kind of collector do you consider yourself (team collector, player collector, set collector, etc.). Why do you collect that way?
When I began collecting in ’93, I was compelled to complete a set of every product I purchased.  By mid ’94 I was over it, becoming a player collector rather quickly.  Ripken, Cobb, Berra, Sandberg are a few of my favorite players.  I still enjoy the beauty of a completed and paged set.  I just finished 2014 Panini Classics.  This past year, I began assembling Tigers team sets.
4. In your opinion, what could the major card companies (Topps, Panini, etc.) do to make your style of collecting better for you?
Knock it off with all the parallels!   A couple would be great but do we need every color of the rainbow in a refractor version – plus rainbow refractors, die-cut, cracked or otherwise??  
5. What is your favorite part of your collection?  This could be one specific item, or a binder of cards, etc.
My autographed baseballs…but those aren’t cardboard.  I have a growing collection of 1951 Bowman and pre-1960 Topps.  These are my favorites right now.
6. Most of us have a favorite song that we like for no good reason – heck, it might even be embarrassing.  Do you have a favorite baseball card that might fit that bill?  
 I love my Presidents on cardboard:     2014 Topps Opening Day – Racing Presidents   
Image source:  Julie!

7. If you were forced to part with your entire collection except for one card, which card would you keep?
1909-11 T206 Tony Thebo    (PSA 4)
8. Many of the blogs (including my own at times) seem to decry Topps’ lack of vision and creativity.  Can you think of something creative that could be done for an upcoming card set?  
“Hits” seem to drive the Hobby.  I personally don’t purchase cards for this reason.  I’m attracted to player selection and design.   2014 Panini Classics includes a “Champion” insert.  I think this design (minus the relic) would make an attractive set, featuring older stars and current players.   I’m a sucker for old timers on new cardboard.  
9. What is your profession?  How did you end up there?  If you are in school, what do you plan to major in and/or what job do you hope to get after graduating?  
I worked for the postal service for 15 years.  In 99, I chose to leave for an administrative role within an accounting firm.  Next year, I’ll be moving to Michigan and hope to transfer within the company.  
10. What is your favorite place that you’ve ever visited?  Why?  
Galveston, TX  - I love the tragic history of the city.  The beaches aren’t beautiful, but the islanders are!
11. Many of us have favorite foods or customs that are somewhat local to where we live.  Do you have any such things that you particularly love?  A website link to specific products would be spectacular.  
When I move, I’ll miss the Tex-Mex dishes.   The better restaurants are regionally owned.  The Blue Goose Cantina has my favorite enchiladas.  My favorite steak and salsa spot is here.  On the brighter side, I’ll probably drop 10 pounds in a snap.
12. Do you have any other hobbies besides card collecting?  
I enjoy reading, composing, playing guitar and exploring American History – Civil War, in particular.  
13. Tell me something interesting about yourself (that we haven’t covered in the first twelve questions).
I have a degree in Comparative Religion which led to my postal career.  I studied what I most loved at the time with no concern as to what I’d actually do with a degree in religion.  Turns out, you teach or preach.  My generation had more opportunities for success without a degree.  I’ve been very fortunate!  
Once again, I must give a big thank you to our latest Better Know a Blogger volunteer, Julie.  I am pleased to say that the turnout for the series has blown my expectations out of the water...and we have another full week of Better Know a Blogger in store for you all next week!  In fact, new people keep requesting to be added to the list!!

Now, let's take a look at some of Julie's answers beginning with the food!  The Blue Goose Cantina looks pretty good to me based on their menu (and they have entire section dedicated to Nachos so how can I say no?!).  The other restaurant, The La Hacienda Ranch also looks kind of neat.  I'd be tempted to try the fish tacos I think.  I made fish tacos myself once...but it turns out neither my wife nor I are huge fans of corn tortillas so the tacos were a bit of a bust.

As for Julie's baseball card answers, I think most of us are in agreement with the notion of parallel overload these days.  It's got to be awful for someone who is a collector of a current player.  Oye!   I found Julie's presidential card answer to be great as well - it certainly fit the bill as to the type of card that I was looking for when I posed that question!

Thanks again for volunteering Julie - and stay tuned for more in the Better Know a Blogger series!


  1. Very interesting to get some background on one of my favorite trading partners!

  2. Julie's great (blogging Rookies rule !) and so are her answers !

  3. Having fun reading all these

  4. Glad everyone is enjoying the blog series - it's been a blast for me too! I can assure you there are still quite a few more to come!

  5. I love this series of posts! It's given me the opportunity to check out several new blogs, including Julie's. Thanks Nachos!


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