Barry Larkin
Year: 1997
Brand: Score
Subset: True Grit
Card number: 538
This is the second base card in the 1997 Score set for Barry Larkin (the other being his "
regular" base card). The True Grit subset featured 15 cards showcasing some of the best of the game at the time of the brand's release (so of course Larkin should be included)!
In terms of the photo choice, I can't say it's my favorite image of Larkin (is he fumbling the ball, trying to juggle, or perhaps playing hot potato)? I also think the entire front of the card is too dark...and it's especially jarring in a stack of 1997 Score cards because the regular base cards are nothing but white!
The back of the card isn't much better because I find the text annoying to read - you have to skip over the space where the bats are to read across the eyes don't like doing that. I'm naturally drawn to read "Barry, MVP in another Gold ed up the"...which of course makes absolutely no sense.
Bottom line? Not my favorite Larkin card in my collection - but as a player collector I'm still happy to have it!
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