Barry Larkin
Year: 1997
Brand: Score
Parallel set: Premium Stock
Card number: 242
In 1997, Score included a Premium Stock parallel in their Series I packs (Premium Stock would be renamed Hobby Reserve for Series II and would be printed on thinner cardboard stock and without the gray border). Luckily for Larkin collectors, Barry's base card landed in Series I which meant he got the "better" of the two parallel options. It should be noted that Barry does have a True Grit subset card in Series II (which I also own the Hobby Reserve parallel version of - a card I'll highlight on the blog soon)!
For now though, let's look at the Premium Stock card. First, the card stock is thicker than your normal card which is nice. I could do without the hideous foil stamp on the front though. I could also do without the dull gray border - something a little snazzier would have been nice! Other than that though, the card is exactly the same as the regular base card from the set -
something I've already written about here.
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