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How Will the Reds Fare in 2025?

'Tis (Almost) the Season of Giving! (Sign up here!)

Today is the 31st of October which means it is time for everyone to dress up, beg for candy, and then lament the end of the month.  However, it is also a chance to look forward to the upcoming holiday season:  You know, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and before either of those, my birthday.  Seriously though, the next couple of months are chock full of fun events, great parties, and all sorts of cheer.

And speaking of cheer, I want to try something new this year here at Nachos Grande.  I'm calling it my Season of Giving (hopefully no one else has used the exact title before).  Anyhow, my plan is that I'd like to mail you some baseball cards.  Not just any cards though, ideally some cards that you'd actually want.  

Interested?  I thought you might be.  Here's how to participate:

1.  Leave a comment on this post with a link to your want list and/or your favorite team.
2.  Shoot me an email with your mailing address.
3.  Wait for me to mail you cards (my goal is to mail all cards out before the calendar flips over to 2018).
4.  Enjoy the cards.

What does it cost you?

Nothing, actually.  Sure, I won't complain if you send me cards that I want back...or anything LEGO if you prefer.  But really, this is the Season of Giving and I'd like to try and make your holiday season just a tiny bit better than it otherwise would have been.  


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Awesome idea! My wantlist is here. You should have my address from the PWE .

  2. Who doesn't like getting cards in the mail? I'm in! I have a fondness for Red Sox cards.

  3. I wouldn't mind getting in on this as well. I don't know how to add a link to the comment section, but you can find all my want lists on my blog.

  4. How lovely! I'm a Cubs fan and I'm just getting started with an Ichiro collection.

  5. Very generous of you! I just received those cards from you for my "We Didn't Start The Fire" project (thanks!), so I feel greedy trying to get in on this offer too, but hey, I can't turn down cards. Thanks again and good luck with this!

  6. I'll take a few Yankees off your hands!

  7. Hmmm. Lost Collector claimed the yankees but I do Aaron Judge by himself. I also do non sport stuff like from Ginter. But, I would like in. Thanks!

    1. Overall Want List

      Rodney Hampton Wantlist

    2. Email sent. Hope you got it. Thanks $

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So how many of your Mantle rookies are you willing to give me?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thanks for doing this giveaway. I collect any and all cards of the Cleveland Indians.

  12. Sweet! Heres my "Others" wantlist http://angelsinorder.blogspot.com/p/other-wantlists.html
    Thanks for putting this on.

  13. So nice of you. I never seem to have anything on your Wantlist, but I'll try to come up with something. Mets collector here. Email to follow. Thanks.

    (BTW, those who can't find the email address, it's at the bottom of the wantlist!)

  14. Kindness indeed! thank you-Cardinals of Course-l think you still have my address? Let me know otherwise

  15. What a sweet offer! Extra White Sox always appreciated!

  16. Thanks for the giveaway! I too collect the Cubs, but if you need specific sets, I rarely buy any packs except for flagship. I'll e-mail you this morning!

  17. I'm always up for some Rockies.

  18. Thought I replied but not seeing it. Great offer thank you for doing this! Would love Mariners or Twins if not taken. Thanks again!


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