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1999 Pacific Private Stock: Pack #2 (and an Update on Me)

I'm excited to keep ripping into my box of 1999 Pacific Private Stock, especially since the first pack yielded a needed Barry Larkin mini for my personal collection!  However, before I get to pack #2 I thought I'd give a brief update on me and my health (see here if you don't know what I'm talking about).

Since that last post about my health, I've had my blood drawn again and this time they did a ton of different tests.  Unfortunately for me, that was a week and a half ago and I still haven't heard a single word from the oncologist.  However, it's not really all bad news for two reasons.

First, I've been physically feeling much better for the past week or so.  Nothing makes a person be less worried than actually feeling better.  In fact, I've felt well enough lately that I'm back to thinking that maybe all I have is some sort of really weird virus that my body is finally starting to kick.

Second, I have a cousin who works in a medical facility who had one of the specialists there look at some of my blood tests.  That person didn't think anything was overly alarming, though they cautioned that they only had access to two of my tests so not to read too much into their unofficial thoughts.

The only bad news?  I'm still scheduled for a bone marrow extraction procedure on Wednesday morning.  My plan is to call the doctor's office today though to see about doing one last round of blood work instead - here's to hoping my numbers start to look more normal and I can avoid any further worry (and procedures).

With that out of the way (and I do appreciate each and every one of you that commented on the last post), let's get to today's pack of cards.

Pack 2:
133.  Henry Rodriguez (need it!)

99.  Bob Higginson
17.  Ivan Rodriguez
74.  Will Clark (need it!)

55.  Rod Beck
Mini:  23.  Albert Belle

Well, two more cards that I needed (out of 5 base cards, I guess that's not too bad).  This pack had two Cubs and two Rangers in the six cards.  Not exactly a lot of variety.


  1. Great news Chris! Hopefully it continues!

  2. Glad you're feeling better!

  3. Good to hear things have been looking up for you!

  4. Hoping for the best Chris!

  5. Glad things are trending upward!


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