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Not-So-Secret Santa Return #6: Bump and Run Football Card Blog

My Not-So-Secret Santa program was a huge hit (for me, at least) last year and I definitely hope to do something similar for 2023.  However, before I can think about this year's edition of the program, I need to highlight all of the goodies from last year!  I've made an effort to space out the package reveals thus far but we are now nearing the end (only two more packages to show off including today's envelope.

Today's Not-So-Secret Santa return comes courtesy of Trever over at Bump and Run Football Card Blog.  Trevor ended up with one of the smaller Not-So-Secret Santa packages (in large part because I had people self-select if they wanted items other than sports cards included, people who said no were limited to my card stock)!  Anyhow, I was able to find a few cards from Trevor's want list as well as some general cards that I hoped he'd enjoy (see his wrap-up post here).  He must have liked something, because he sent me some nice stuff back!

First up, this Barry Larkin that I needed for my personal collection:

Any time I get a new Barry Larkin card I'm happy so this is a win right away!  However, Trevor didn't stop there as he also sent along a small smattering of unopened packs (packs that I can use for giveaways, group breaks, contests, or simply blog post fodder)!  

A big thanks to Trevor for the Not-So-Secret Santa return!

I still have one more package to show off from my 2022 version of Not-So-Secret Santa and it's a good one (so stay tuned for that in the near future).  Here's hoping I can make the program work just as well in year 2 as it did in year 1!  


  1. Very nice Larkin card! That glove leather right border really makes for an attractive and distinctive design. I'm surprised we don't see more of that.

  2. The Conlon packs would be fun to open.


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