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More Vintage Allen & Ginter (1887 and 1889 sets)!

The other day, I showed off some cards for my 1888 Allen & Ginter City Flags set build.  Today, I've got some cards to show off from my other original 1800s Allen & Ginter set that I'm trying to put together - the 1887 Flags of All Nations set.

I didn't realize it at the time when I decided to try and build the Flag set but this particular set has a number of different variations.  While I'm not going to try and acquire all of the variations, I am going for the main ones - namely the different background options on certain flag cards.  

A perfect example of that is this pair of Austria cards that I was able to acquire:

One is a "common fancy" background while the other is a (rarer) plain background.  Neither of the two cards I acquired are in particularly good shape but luckily I'm not a snob when it comes to card condition for sets that are over 100 years old!

In addition to the pair of Austria cards, I was also lucky enough to land two other cards that I needed for my set - Holland and Uruguay.

With those four cards now in hand, I'm down to needing only six more cards from this set!  

Finally, how about a bonus original A&G card?

That's a 1889 Types of Nations card and the price was low enough that I threw it in my eBay cart along with the other cards that I've previously shown off.  All in all, a fun purchase - there's something magical about these old A&G cards if you ask me!


  1. This thing where you inspire me to go looking for these cards and the I end up getting something else instead of them.

  2. The Types of Nations set is a fun one. You gonna try for that one too?


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