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Can You Jeter?

It's time to dig back into my box of 1998 Collector's Choice Series 2.  I've been mostly happy with my box thus far, though the last batch of packs I ripped did seem to be quite heavy on the duplicates.  I'm still hoping to finish my set build via this box so let's keep opening packs so I can start sorting cards sooner rather than later!

Pack 21:
Mini Bobbing Head:  19.  Derek Jeter

I'm definitely happy to see that Jeter insert pop out of a pack.  Anyone who trades online knows that Jeter cards are often difficult to swing deals for - and as someone who doesn't care for the Yankees, I hate "overpaying" for a Jeter card even if it is one I need for a set build.  The good news for me is that I won't have to do that for the Mini Bobbing Head set (of course, there are still other big names on the checklist that I need but we'll deal with that once the box rip is completed).

Pack 22:
481.  Andy Ashby

Why does Andy Ashby have a fishing pole in hand while in full uniform?  There's got to be some sort of story as to what was going on in the photo but I have no idea what it could be.  Bullpen hijinks maybe?

Pack 23:
450.  Derek Jeter

I apologize for two Jeter scans in the same post but this one had to be shown thanks to Jeter's "Can You Jeter" shirt he is wearing.  I have no idea what that phrase is supposed to mean but apparently, Jeter liked it enough that he had a (grossly oversized) shirt made up with that saying across the front of the shirt.

Pack 24:
StarQuest:  SQ12. Pedro Martinez

This pack had another Mini Bobbing Head (Jeff Bagwell) but I decided to scan the Pedro card instead since I love the photo used on that card.  I have no idea where Pedro is in the photo (is that water in the background?) but the blue sky paired up against the cement railing certainly makes for a unique photo opportunity.

That does it for this batch of packs and I'd say we are right back to a strong set of packs!  Lots of good stuff here and some more solid progress toward my set builds.
