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Barry Larkin Collection 815: 1990 Donruss - #71 - Factory Set Version

Barry Larkin
Year:  1990
Brand:  Donruss (factory set version)
Card number:  71

The 1990 Donruss set came in three different variations.  There's the "regular" version (here) and a variation of that version that is identical except for a missing period.  Unlike that variation, the factory set variation (shown above) is a slightly more obvious variation - here the "paint splats" are different than the versions of the card that came from packs.

Admittedly, all three variations are pretty stupid - and the differences are so minor (seriously, a missing period?!) that I can certainly see why many people wouldn't even bother to collect all three cards.  However, as a player collector it's kind of fun to track down weird stuff like this...and luckily 1990 Donruss isn't rare (none of the three versions were hard for me to find).
