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TCDB: Can I Ever Get Rid of 18,384 cards?!

1989 Fleer: Because Why Not?

I'm STILL in need of at least a few more people to purchase slots in my upcoming group break.  There are plenty of good teams remaining - please join!  I'll be busting six different boxes with the promises of autographs, a cloth pennant, a metal card, and plenty of other goodies to come out of the break!  Not to mention you get to read my witty prose.  You don't want to miss out on that, now do you?  Go sign up now!!


The repack box that I got for Christmas had 20 packs.  19 of the 20 packs were from the 2000s, but one pack was from the 80s (and luckily it wasn't a 1987 Topps pack)!  Instead, it was a legitimate wax pack - i.e. a pack made out of wax paper - and with a sticker no less!

Pack Wars II - Pack 14:
1989 Fleer (15 cards plus a sticker):

You can see through the pack wrapper (even in the scan) so the sticker isn't much of a mystery.

Sticker:  Cubs

I like stickers in my baseball cards, especially team logo stickers.  +3 and I'll give an extra 2 points for the nice informational write-up on the back about Cubs team history = +5 points total.

508.  Ken Patterson - White Sox

I've never liked the 1989 Fleer design, the grey and white stripes is much too drab for my tastes.  I do like, however, the team logo in the upper corner of each card.  As for Patterson, he appears washed out in the photo, not good.  -1

338.  Tony Perezchica - Giants
I should award positive points only to guys that I've heard of.  -1.

88.  Wes Gardner - Red Sox
See above.  -1

439.  Rick Sutcliffe - Cubs

When you rock a beard like that, you get positive points.  +2

198.  Dale Sveum - Brewers
I've got nothin'...  +0

485.  Greg Minton - Angels
Minton's name reminds me of mint.  Mint reminds me of the first house I ever lived in (mint used to grow along the stone wall).  +1 for memories.

123.  Mark Portugal - Twins
Hey, someone I know!  +1

440.  Manny Trillo - Cubs
Manny being Manny before Manny was Manny.  +1

134.  Mike Henneman - Tigers
Did you know that Henneman pitched 7 innings of relieve in an 18-inning game against the Yankees? +2 for taking it to the Yanks.

308.  Jimmy Jones - Padres
I can just see all of you clamoring to trade me for these '89 Fleer cards.  No?  Oh crap.  -2

641.  Rangers prospects:  Kevin Brown & Kevin Reimer

Bonus points for both first names being Kevin AND for both guys actually making it to the big leagues and sticking around for a bit.  +3

68.  Jesse Orosco - Dodgers
There's about 8 million Dodger collectors out there, whaddya bet they all have this card?  -2

524.  Mike Jeffcoat - Rangers
More Rangers.  Ho hum.  -2

375.  Tom Foley - Expos
Hooray teams that are no more.  A sad thing for Canada = -2 points.

286.  Charlie Leibrandt - Royals
You would have thought with 15 cards that I'd get at least one Red, but no.  I wasn't happy when I saw Charlie's mug staring back at me because Charlie ain't no Red.  -2

Pack total:  2 points

A strong finish was marred by a mostly lackluster ending.  On the other hand, who would have though 1989 Fleer would finish anywhere but last in the pack war?  Even with six packs remaining it's a definite that Fleer will beat at least two other packs.

Pack Wars II Current Standings:
+19:  2011 Allen & Ginter (6 card pack #1)
+16:  2011 Topps Series 2 (8 card pack)
+15:  2011 Topps Series 1 (12 card pack #2)
+14:  2011 Topps Series 1 (12 card pack #1)
+14:  2010 Topps Series 2 (12 card pack #1)
+11:  2011 Topps Update (12 card pack #2)
+10:  2008 UD Timeline (6 card pack #1)
+09:  2008 UD Timeline (6 card pack #2)
+07:  2006 Topps Series 2 (6 card pack)
+06:  2011 Topps Update (12 card pack #1)
+05:  2011 Allen & Ginter (6 card pack #2)
+02:  1989 Fleer (15 card pack)
-05:  2011 Topps Series 1 (12 card pack #3)
-16:  2011 Topps Series 2 (12 card pack #2)
